December 6, 2011

An Introduction to Text Sets

"Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites." William Ruckelshaus

This blog is designed to provide a collection of resources to support the learning of readers with a range of experiences and abilities, also known as a text set. 

The text set addresses an important issue in today’s society: human effects on the earth.  As humans, we have a giant impact on the earth.  As our technology advances, economies change, and building expands, more and more resources that the earth provides are being used. 

As teachers, adults, and/or parents, it is our responsibility to share information to children about the impact that our everyday lives as inhabitants of the earth has on our planet.  There are many different media sources we can look to including novels, picture books, movies, videos, games, and websites.  The following entries are just a sample of resources we can look to in order to educate youth about how simple acts such as driving a car, building a house, or littering can impact the earth.  These resources can be used with a large age range of students.  We can also learn a lot from these sources ourselves.